You are what you eat. It takes premium fuel to achive premium performance.
I'll start with this recipe and add more info when I can.
I have experimented with all kind of food to eat for breakfast when I will be riding all day.
This is the best ever and tastes fantastic.
Endurance Waffles
Two squares of these waffles usually hold me for 6 to 8 hours on a ride.
Double Batch maxes ~18 squares
1 cup chia seed
1 cup garbanzo bean flour
2 cups combined as desired
a little coconut flour
a little almond flour
oat, rye,barley, brown rice flours
1/2 cup powdered milk or equivalant
1/2 cup coconunt oil (liquified)
6 eggs
1 tablespoon (or more) honey
1 teaspoon salt (pink Himalyan or sea salt prefered)
3 tablespoons Baking powder (non-aluminum)
2-4 cups any or all combined as desired
chopped walnuts
dried cranberries
pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds
coconut (shredded or flakes)
dark chocolate or carob chips
1-2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1-2 tablespoons wheat germ and/or flax seed
anything else you like
special option
pickled Jalepeno peppers (or your favorite peppers)
shredded cheddar cheese
water to provide desired consistency
add water to chia seed until lightly fluid
mix all the dry ingredients except baking powder (Sift if you want-I don't bother)
stir in coconut oil
stir in eggs - whipped (seperate if you like)
stir in honey
add water to desired consistency (if you are going to dry the waffles, don't make it runny)
stir in baking powder
Cook in waffle iron until golden brown (mine takes 7 minutes)
I use two waffle irons to speed up the process.
If the waffles crumble, use a larger percentage of oat or rye flour.
You can store them in the refrigerator or freezer or
I usually put them on a rack and let them throughly dry out.
They will keep at room temperature for several weeks.
To revive them, douse with water and heat in the microwave.
They are great for camping or backpacking. Each square weighs 2 oz.
You can heat them on your camp stove or over the fire.
Chew thoroughly! Great with butter, almond butter and honey.